<i>Alicante</i> <i>International</i><i>Piano</i><i>Competition</i><i>2025</i>
<i>Alicante</i> <i>International</i><i>Piano</i><i>Competition</i><i>2025</i>
  • Artistic Director: István I. Székely 0

Alicante InternationalPianoCompetition2025

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Gonzalo Soriano was, without a doubt, one of the greatest Spanish pianists of all time.
The Alicante International Piano Competition is dedicated to his memory.

The main objective and reason for this competition is to offer and create opportunities for young and professional pianists. The main fuel of a Musician is Music -and of course- interpreting it.
We offer a great opportunity for all young pianists and professional pianists interested in showing their talent and hard work in a high quality event.

I am immensely grateful to our partners, first of all to the Board of Directors and professors of the "Guitarrista José Tomás" Professional Conservatory in Alicante, the Auditori Mediterrània, the Gothenburg International Piano Festival, the Orbetello International Piano Festival, the Rotary Club l'Alfás del Pi International, the Frax Foundation and the Mediterranean Foundation.

I especially thank my dear friend and colleague, with whom I shared the stage on several occasions, Juan Antonio Espinosa, for his availability and support in this project.

The Ars Alta cultural association team and I wish all the contestants of the 1st Alicante International Piano Competition good luck and success!

István I. Székely
Founder and Artistic Director

We appreciate the collaboration of our outstanding collaborators

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